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Sunday Prep


Because I have nothing better to do with my time on Sundays, I prepare for the week ahead. Nah, just kidding...let me try again. Because I don't want to go insane during the week, I prepare as much as I can on Sundays when I am home all day AND have the husband and kids' help.

I am not a "do ahead" person by nature AT ALL. I like to conquer things head on when they arrive. I don't mind a challenge when it comes up. I actually thrive when things are last minute or I'm down to the wire. BUT....

I have learned that only works for me. There are 5 other people in my house, 4 that are pretty dependent on my prepping and organization, so I do have to force myself to be ready for the week.

I started doing the following things years ago when I worked full time and had 3 kids. It was basically do it.... or be so flustered in the morning that we NEVER left the house on time, and when we did finally leave, everyone was angry.

1. Clean bedrooms.

I have pretty high expectations for their rooms. They clean them twice a week. Sundays they get help from us so it's up to our standard. If their rooms are a mess, they can't find schoolwork, clothes, shoes, library books, and so on. If they can't find these things in the evening it pushes bedtime back. If they can't find them in the morning, we are late for school.

2. All of the kids' laundry is done, put away, and hung.

Again, I don't do this because I have an infatuation with laundry. I hate laundry. I have a very picky daughter who WILL wear dirty clothes from her hamper if her perfect shirt isn't clean. Sometimes the outfits I picked out just won't work for that day (according to my daughter), so we need backup black leggings in the drawer on standby at all times.

3. Outfits for the week are picked out and put in organizers in their closet.

I used to pick out everyone's clothes. Now, I pick out the younger two and help the older two. I use the organizers found on Amazon.

4. Shoes are gathered from around the house and put in their closets.

Don't you hate when you're about to walk out the door and they say, "I can't find my shoes!!" This way, there is only one possible place for them to be.

5. Lunches are packed for anyone taking one.

Pack as much as you can. Stick the whole lunchbox in the fridge if you need to. This is a job my kids do on their own.

6. Update the breakfast list.

I want my kids to be as independent as possible in the morning. They know what is available, they just have to choose and prepare.

7. Prep any ingredients/meals for the week.

I did this a lot more consistently when I worked full time. Now that I am part time, this is very last on the to-do list. If I get to it, great. If not, I do this when I'm home in the afternoon. This is super important to prevent eating out and food waste, but things that are money suckers.

8. Pick out my 5 outfits.

I just hang them on the end of my closet rack. I take pictures of my outfits and put them on a private Instagram. This virtual closet makes choosing outfits easy.

9. Plan my workouts.

I do this in my planner. Nothing special. Write the workout I intend to do. I have a thing about checking off what I get done, so I'm more likely to do my workout if it's written down.

10. Text my husband the schedule for the week.

Because he is forgetful.

11. Set out my supplements.

I set out my prescription, probiotic, breakfast vitamins, and shake if I am having one. Visual reminders are a great tool for those hectic times of day.


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