In 2019, we spent $9,189 on groceries, our second highest expense after our mortgage. Groceries are a necessity but also a controllable expense.

Here are a few things I do when I’m on my game to lower this expense (aside from my usual inventory, planning, and ad shopping):
✔️Do not, I repeat, do NOT take the children if you absolutely don’t have to. I spend on average $50 more when they’re with me. I can’t concentrate or compare prices, and I just want to get out of there. And you know they ask for stuff and I’m like “oh yeah that would be tasty, throw one in the cart” 🤦🏼♀️
✔️Order online and pickup, if possible. This way you aren’t impulse buying and you can shop best prices at multiple stores.
✔️ MOST times, you don’t have to buy 2 when it says 2/$5 (or whatever price). Don’t spend $ if you don’t need the extra item!
✔️This might be too obvious, but don’t shop on an empty stomach. You might buy everything that sounds good at the moment.
✔️ Stick to the list. Stick to the list. Stick to the list.
✔️ Don’t buy “just in case” items.
✔️Keep a running tally of how much you are spending. I do this on my grocery list if I’m in store. Online, it does it for you. Stick to your budget, take out items you don’t absolutely need if you go over.
✔️ Plan meals ahead of time, you’ll forget something if you plan in the store. Resulting in another trip that most likely not be limited to that ONE item you forgot.
✔️Don’t send your husband in place of you....maybe that just applies to mine. 😂