The Dollar Tree is one of our favorite spots to find cheap items. They have so many fun things you can use for learning, too! This was a quick trip - we mostly looked at Halloween items - so there are many more than what is shown here.
Dry Erase Board - Practicing letters, numbers, writing answers, spelling their name or family members' names, drawing shapes.

Inflatable Globe - All of my kids enjoyed this purchase! Use for identifying countries, continents, and oceans. Playing "where will I live when I grow up?". And for throwing at your sisters.

Bingo Markers - These are great for making patterns if you can find multiple colors. There are also some printables I have used where you put a dot over the answer. My kids also like to use them for art projects. See how we used them for letter recognition.

Workbooks - We hit the jackpot with this visit! My kids love workbooks!

What are some items you have found at Dollar Tree to use for learning?