Upper Body Shape Up: Those looking to tone up the shoulders, biceps, triceps, chest, and back muscles while still working the lower body. Separate HIIT and Ab workouts create a 5-day workout week.
Booty Focused Plan: Those looking to place a little more focus on the lower body (can you say shorts??) while still working the upper body. Separate HIIT and Ab workouts create a 5-day workout week. Workouts include circuits, supersets, traditional, and giant sets.
Full Body Sweat: This is for those short on time, but still want a killer workout. Three fast-paced, sweaty workout per week that work your full body. Workouts are circuits that combine weights with plyometric moves.
Ab Add-on: If your current plan doesn't include any ab work, this is for you. It includes 8 workouts that can be added on to any work out.
Strong Lift Plan: This plan includes traditional moves that require you to lift your heaviest. There are 3 workouts per week that target all muscle groups. Workouts include circuits, 3x15, 5x5, and 4x8.
Add-On Workouts: These workouts were designed to go hand-in-hand with the Strong Lift Plan, but can be used with any plan! There are 2 HIIT/Cardio workouts per week and 1 ab workout per week. Workouts include AMRAP, EMOM, and 8-minute abs.
Full Body Weightlifting: This workout plan has a large variety of workout styles to keep you interested and coming back for more the next day. Combination moves are used to amp up the calorie burn.
Quickstart: This do-anywhere plan is perfect if you want to add on a little cardio after a weightlifting session or if you are on-the-go traveling. Also great for beginners who are just starting their fitness journey as the workouts are only 15 minutes and no equipment is required.
Bundle: This is for the girl who can't make up her mind. Discounted 20% to give you a great deal!